Cryptocurrency Analytics Firm Examines Two Specific Onchain Metrics in Bitcoin, Issues Warning

Cryptocurrency Analytics Firm Examines Two Specific Onchain Metrics in Bitcoin, Issues Warning

Cryptocurrency analytics firm Alphractal has released a statement supporting the potential for significant selling by Bitcoin’s Long-Term Holders (LTH...

Cryptocurrency Service Provider Gate Group Acquires Japanese Crypto Company! Here Are the Details

Cryptocurrency Service Provider Gate Group Acquires Japanese Crypto Company! Here Are the Details

Gate Group, a global leader in cryptocurrency services, announced that it has acquired all outstanding shares of Japanese cryptocurrency service provi...

Donald Trump Made Another Appointment Supporting the Cryptocurrency Industry! Here Are the Details

Donald Trump Made Another Appointment Supporting the Cryptocurrency Industry! Here Are the Details

President-elect Donald Trump has announced the appointment of Stephen Miran, a former Treasury official and economist at Hudson Bay Capital Management...

Donald Trump Made Another Appointment Supporting the Cryptocurrency Industry! Here Are the Details

Donald Trump Made Another Appointment Supporting the Cryptocurrency Industry! Here Are the Details

President-elect Donald Trump has announced the appointment of Stephen Miran, a former Treasury official and economist at Hudson Bay Capital Management...

Cryptocurrency Market Faces Significant Price Decline as Bitcoin, ETH, and XRP Drop Below Crucial Support Levels

Cryptocurrency Market Faces Significant Price Decline as Bitcoin, ETH, and XRP Drop Below Crucial Support Levels

Bitcoin, ETH, and XRP Prices Plummet Below Key Support Levels ————— 💰Coin: Bitcoin ( $BTC ) $93,966.30 ETH ( $ETH ) $3,284.74 XRP ( $XRP ) $2.15 —————...

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